Tag Archives: idaho balsam fir

Believe !

Believe in your dreams and they may come true, believe in yourself and they will come true.

– Author Unknown

Our beliefs about ourselves and the world we live in have a huge impact on how we experience our life.  At times, life can throw us challenges, be they related to our work, relationships, family or health.  Sometimes these challenges lead  us to lose sight of our goals and our desires, as we experience feelings such as frustration, hopelessness, and the belief that it is all just too hard.   At times like these, young Living’s Believe Oil Blend may assist us.

Believe helps to release the unlimited potential we all possess.  It assists in calming the spirit and stimulating the mind, allowing us to believe in our own power to create and improve.  Believe helps to make it possible to more fully experience health, happiness, and vitality.  It is both grounding and empowering, assisting us in creating positive action towards accomplishing our goals and fulfilling our dreams.  Believe restores feelings of hope, which allows us to move forward.

Essential Oil - Believe - 15mlBelieve Essential Oil Blend 15ml #333102

Wholesale $46.00

Retail $60.52

• Idaho Balsam Fir (Abies balsamea) opens emotional blocks and recharges vital energy. Gives a feeling of strength and
inner peace.
• Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora) is high in linalool, which has a relaxing, empowering effect. A very grounding oil.
• Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) is considered a holy anointing oil in the Middle East and has been used in religious
ceremonies for thousands of years. Stimulates the limbic part of the brain, elevating the mind and helping to overcome
stress and despair. It is used in European medicine to combat depression.

Dilute 1 part EO to 1 part vegetable oil. Directly inhale, or add 2-4 drops to bath water. Apply 1 to 2 drops over
heart, on wrists, neck, temples, forehead, or foot Vita Flex points. Dilute 1:15 with vegetable oil for a full-body
massage. Put 2 drops on a wet cloth and put in clothes dryer. Put 4-8 drops on cotton ball and locate on vents.
May also be diffused up to 30 minutes daily. Possible skin sensitivity.

Some of this information sourced from the Essential Oil Desk Reference Fourth Edition, and Reference Guide for Essential Oils by Connie and Alan Higley.


First orders and international orders – contact the person who introduced you to Young Living and to my BLOG.

Please call me on 0400 141 712 or email me at eoilsonline@bigpond.com if I was the one that introduced you, then I can assist you with your first order, or else please click on ORDER below and follow the directions to order.

To purchase these and many more oils that will support your health and wellness click on ORDER to look at options and follow through to your purchase.  For wholesale price select Independent Distributor or retail choose Retail Customer

For benefits of Independent Distributor Essential Rewards program click essential rewards.

If you live in Western Australia and desire to learn more about Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils click HERE.  Young Living’s essential oils meet the highest world standards and are guaranteed pure, unadulterated and therapeutic-grade.

If you would like to share your experience with Young Living products, please email your testimonial to me at: eoilsonline@bigpond.com. If you are happy for me to reprint your testimonial please advise in your email.   If you would like to read about other peoples experiences about Young Living Essential Oils you can view the following web site:



DISCLAIMER:  Essentialoilsonline.biz and it’s representatives makes no guarantee of any kind about the safety, performance or effectiveness of any of the techniques, preparations, products or procedures mentioned in this material.  The information in this material reflects Pauline & Robin’s personal experiences, and is not intended nor should be relied on as a substitute for medical diagnosis, advice or treatment.  Where essential oils are mentioned, it is recommended that you use pure, unadulterated, therapeutic grade essential oils, and follow the safety directions of the manufacturer.  Seek medical advice before applying essential oils, or immediately if you suffer any symptoms following use.  Essentialoilsonline.biz will not be held liable for your use of essential oils – you use them at your own risk.  Essentialoilsonline.biz is an independent distributor for Young Living (#1143863) and may receive a commission on orders.

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